Discover Our Programs

The Jefferson County Family Resource Center provides intensive, assessment, and case planning by working with families to build goal-directed, individualized action plans designed to identify & address barriers to success. Case management services include a coordinated referral process to other service providers, including follow-up and family advocacy.

EPIC Parenting

Parenting techniques to encourage and build cooperation & create a stable peaceful home. EPIC focuses on: Discipline vs. Punishment; Improving Communication Skills; Building Strong; Family Relationships; Developing Self-Esteem in Children; and Stages of Child Development.


ARESET Workforce Development Program
Adult education/literacy, GED services, Vocational/Technical training, work readiness, resume & soft skills development, job search, and intensive case management.


The Adolescent Workforce Development Program provides educational and career training, GED & Basic Literacy services, Vocational/Technical Training, and support services to court-involved 16–19 year old youth.